Wednesday 18 March 2020

Back Issue Box: Action Comics #366

The world is in the midst of a pandemic crisis with the COVID19 virus.

I continue to work in a busy emergency department but have been doing my best to socially distance myself as best as I can.

And as always, I try to think of interesting back issues to look at which either reflect current comic trends or even real life trends. With that in mind, I figured I could take a look at Action Comics #366, the end of the multi-part  Virus X storyline, which seemed somehow appropriate for the current times.

As this is a Supergirl site, the last chapter has the most Kara as well as standard bonkers Silver Age charm, so here we are.

To set the stage, Superman has contracted Virus X, a form of Kryptonian leprosy. Luthor got Clark to accidentally self-inoculate himself. It is unclear if the virus can be spread to humans (although we see Superman accidentally give it to a cat). So realizing he needs to get off Earth to save humanity from this plague, he rockets himself away. His plan is to cremate his dying body in the hottest sun in the universe.

This was a five part story by writer Leo Dorfman and artist Ross Andru, something relatively unheard of back in 1968. But Dorfman ramps up the drama during the story, having Superman avoiding loved ones, announcing his illness to the world, refusing to be sent into the Phantom Zone (for fear of infecting the criminals there), and looking back on his life.

Andru's pencils are solid throughout, especially on the 'melting face' afflicted Superman panels. And the whole arc comes with solid Neal Adams covers, including this one with Supergirl front and center.

On to the conclusion!

 We start out with a great, engaging splash page.

Supergirl is reading a newspaper with the headline Superman Lives!

But she is crying saying she knows Superman is dead. This is a substitute Superman.

I am definitely a sucker for newspaper headlines acting as exposition in comics. And Supergirl being so prominent in the opening page is a nice bonus! She really loves her cousin!

 As for Superman, his funereal rocket is heading into Flammbron, the universe's hottest sun. There he will be cremated. And Superman has set up a telescope so Earth can watch in real time his immolation. Weird.

He looks monstrous. He is definitely weakened. But he is still alive. Is this suicide? Euthanasia? Superman being in control of how he dies?

There is a lot to mull over in this decision.

Flammbron's denizens, beings of living flame, see Superman's rocket enter into the star and can't believe it.

They use modulators to surround Superman with a heat barrier.

They can't imagine that Superman wants to kill himself.

 They then teleport Superman away from the sun so he can survive.

On a crystal planet, Superman looks into a reflective surface and sees he has been cured.

Was this the doing of the Flammbrionians?

I love that last panel, with Superman rubbing his chin like he just got a clean,close shave.

 It turns out that in an earlier chapter, the Bizarros celebrated Superman's coffin trip by throwing all sorts of Kryptonite in his ship's path. One of those was a chunk of white Kryptonite. The Kryptonian Leprosy is caused by some sort of plant-like organism. And since white Kryptonite kills all plant life, it cures Superman.

So much to unravel here.

It is called Virus X. But it isn't really a virus.
It is caused by a form of plant life, like bacteria? Are bacteria plant-like?

I don't know medically how to wrap my head around this cure. But I suppose if I can deal with living flame beings who reside inside a sun, I should be able to deal with this.

Even crazier is that Superman would have died if it weren't for those Flammbronian shields. He was weakened before the cure manifested. Bananas!

 Turns out that in Superboy #115, Superboy saved a Flammbronian. So they felt they owed him a favor! Hooray continuity!

But the cured Superman is thrilled at his new lease on life. I love this lower panel with a giddy Superman flying through space. Joyous!

 Arriving on Earth, Superman assumes everyone will be mourning his death.

Instead he hears how Superman has continued to do heroic deeds. Superman has also started to shill for products and back politicians.

Even Clark's absence has been explained by Superman.

In the archives, Superman finds a story of how he survived Virus X but printed days before he returned. That is truly Fake News! As phony as a wax banana!

 To deepen the mystery, from a distance Superman begins watching the phony Superman's heroism.

We see Superman grab a falling crane, save a bunch of swimmers drowning in an undertow by dragging them to land with a net.

I do like how we see Supergirl pitching in too, even if her rescue of a sinking cruiser created the deadly undertow.

 Now completely intrigued, Superman heads to the Fortress to see if he can figure out what the heck is going on.

Kandor is in a media blackout, the screen to cut off all communications is up.

And the Phantom Zone villains just cackle in their evilness, holding out on divulging what is going on. I love how Jax-Ur just keeps saying 'squirm! squirm!'

I also love the liberal use of editor's notes. This might be the first time someone has read a comic. How are they to know what Kandor and the Phantom Zone is.

 Peeking in on more heroics, Superman sees one Superman shatter a glacier but without any sound.

Another Superman rescues a town from lava but seems to be avoiding the fire.

Hmmm ....

Superman thinks he has figured it all out and heads to a 'weird conclave' in a cave. (Conclave is definitely a word young Anj would have looked up in a dictionary. )

Supergirl asks which Superman will impersonate the Man of Steel that day.

Superman asks for the group to unmask.

 As he surmised, the 'Supermen' are his JLA pals in disguise.

 He then proves he is the real Superman and explains the cure.

I adore this panel of Supergirl overjoyed her cousin is alive, even throwing in a {sob}!

This is how the super-cousins should care about each other.

But what's with the Flash? 'Dry your tears doll!' Pretty mean.

 Then Supergirl tells her part of the story.

With Superman dead, she needed someone to pick up the mantle. And Kandor is the perfect place to find a replacement. The scientists there begin testing the citizens to see who is the best match.

Why Supergirl didn't think to simply pick up the mantle herself is an enigma. She was being trained to do exactly this.

 Moreover, even with 2 Superman lookalikes available, Kandor believes in democracy. The people will need to vote to see who will replace Superman. Until that vote, they go incommunicado.

Without a  Superman around, the criminals in Metropolis increase their activity. A Superman needs to be out there. So why not have the JLA sub in. Even Batman, armed with an anti-gravity belt, can chip in.

Even if she didn't pick up the mantle herself, I like how pro-active Supergirl was in protecting the legacy.

We then see how each of the substitute Supermen utilized their unique powers when acting as the Man of Steel. That is how Superman sussed it all out.

Anyways, Superman survived Kryptonian Leprosy. Let's all stay safe out there and do the right things to get through this COVID pandemic.

As for this issue in a Supergirl collection, it is of low importance. But any time Neal Adams drew her, even if just on the cover, it might be worth picking up.

Overall grade: B


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