Friday, 26 January 2024

BATMAN #5 Facsimile Edition...

Copyright DC COMICS DC's Facsimile Editions just seem to get better and better.  Some earlier issues were scanned from published originals and weren't quite as sharp or as bright as they could've been; others were comprised of a mixture of pages from new proofs when it came to the main strips, alongside murky ads scanned from published comics.  This latest issue is more-or-less perfect throughout and is printed on matt paper, as opposed to the slightly glossy stuff favoured by Marvel.  All-in-all, it adds up to a nice little product worthy of joining your collection.  If you haven't got it already, rush out...


 Dolly Parton asked me to join her for a roll in the hay so I dutifully obliged, though all it did was get us covered in the stuff.  That's all we did for a couple of hours - take turns at rolling around on haystacks out in her big barn and telling each other silly jokes.  Wasn't at all like what Sean Connery and Honor Blackman got up to in Goldfinger.  I must be losing my sex appeal - though Dolly sure isn't. ...

Tuesday, 23 January 2024


 Dolly Parton asked me to join her for a roll in the hay so I dutifully obliged, though all it did was get us covered in the stuff.  That's all we did for a couple of hours - take turns at rolling around on haystacks out in her big barn and telling each other silly jokes.  Wasn't at all like what Sean Connery and Honor Blackman got up to in Goldfinger.  I must be losing my sex appeal - though Dolly sure isn't. ...

Thursday, 18 January 2024


Funny how some behaviour continues even after a 'change' in circumstances, eh?  Back around 1971/'72, I used to wash cars on Saturday mornings in the car park of the pub on the other side of the shops across from my house.  This gave me some extra pocket money with which to indulge my buying habits, such as comics and the occasional toy.  Halfway through June of '72 my family moved to another house in a different area, but because it wasn't too far distant I continued my car washing 'business' in my former neighbourhood as if nothing had changed. One of my purchases with the proceeds from my labours was the very first Knockout...

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

ACTION MEN Of The 1960s - Guest Post By Doctor ANDREW MAY...

Fellow Crivvie Doctor Andrew May has decided to spoil us all once again with another guest post.  This time he's looking back on one of the most popular toys for boys ever created, which is yet available today in 2024.  Good toys never die, eh?  Over to Andrew... ****** I mentioned in a comment on this blog a few months ago that I still had some Action Man figures from the 1960s, so I'm grateful to Kid for this chance to say a bit more about them.  The four that I still have are pictured above - they're lying flat on their backs because the internal elastic has become so loose they can't stand up on their own.  Apart...

Friday, 12 January 2024

Corgi STINGRAY About To Be Launched...

In its 60th Anniversary year, Stingray has been immortalised in diecast by Corgi, costing a whopping £39.99, it's intended for adult collectors and not as a toy for kids - except big kids like me.  (Were toys back in the '60s ever priced at what would've been the modern-day equivalent of £40?)  It looks a beezer, though I don't like those flat edges at the rear of the missile silos - probably necessary to accommodate the missiles, but ruins the sleek lines of an otherwise handsome craft.  Having said that, can't wait for mine to arrive.  Have you ordered yours?  ...

Wednesday, 10 January 2024


Ever wondered what a real woman looks like? Then wonder no more - here's Lynda Carter to show just what you should be looking for in the dating stakes. Obviously, women like this will be searching for guys like me, so you shouldn't go getting your hopes up that you'll ever be in with a chance with a hot babe as stunningly beautiful as the lovely Lynda.  Poor little you...

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