Thursday, 8 August 2013

The Avengers #17

Since the first issue of this new version of The Avengers, writer Jonathan Hickman has been building.

The mantra for the team has been the need to "get bigger." With that in mind, they're recruited some of the most powerful heroes either on the planet or from near the planet.

But as big as the team is, with this issue, it gets even bigger, adding some surprising characters to the lineup.

But there's good reason for the growth, as the team is outmatched by a mysterious new being - as the world faces a monstrous threat both internally - and from deep space.

It's all leading into the next big event - Infinity - which features Thanos, perhaps the most powerful villain in the Marvel Universe.

The story just seems to get bigger and more important with each issue - it's fresh, original and dynamic. You really should be reading this comic.

The only thing I didn't like about the issue was the mix of artists - three different artists chipped in here, and the results are a bit uneven.

But the story more than makes up for any problems there, and sets up the coming war, which promises to have some deep-felt repercussions.

Grade: A



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