Monday, 25 May 2015


By the time the TV21 Annual for 1973 hit the shops, it was a
far different yearly publication than it had once been.  For a start,
gone were all the GERRY ANDERSON related stories and in their
place were strips typical of just about any other book for boys.  The
one exception was STAR TREK, which maintained the outer space
 theme once represented by FIREBALL XL5, ZERO X, and even,
to a degree, the mighty THUNDERBIRDS.  (The previous two
Annuals had also lacked any 'CENTURY 21' content.) 
So, let's take a look at the first of two ST strips which appeared
in the last-ever Annual of what had, for a time, been the best-selling
children's publication to grace the counters of Britain's newsagents.
I'll present the second titanic tale soon, so keep your palpitatin'
peepers peeled for those pulse-pounding pages.


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