Tuesday, 5 May 2015


Ah, the innocence of youth!  I recall buying this SPIDER
MAN TREASURY EDITION on a sunny Saturday in 1974 and
locking myself in the cubicle of a public toilet not far from the news-
agent's where I'd obtained it.  Safely ensconced within, I perused the
pulsating pages of the very first Treasury Edition that MARVEL
had released to rabid readers everywhere, unaware of the dodgy
reputation that many such places are prone to. 

However, it was daytime, and a female attendant resided in an
office between the ladies and the gents (being a council-run toilet),
so I was probably safe from any predatory persons who might fre-
quent such establishments for purposes other than what they were
designed for - taking a dump or a pee, or poring over a comic or
three because the buyer couldn't wait until he got them home.

Even today, whenever I glance at this mag, I seem to smell dis-
infectant and hear the sound of running water in the cisterns, such
was the impression made on me by my surroundings 41 years ago.
Funny that, eh?  And you'll be relieved to hear that I don't rush off to
the nearest public lavvy whenever I buy a comic today - I wait until
I get home and then sit and read it perched on the porcelain of my
own loo.  It's cleaner for a start, and has a completely blameless
reputation.  ('Though I'd give it 10 minutes if I were you.) 


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