Lots of stuff to briefly cover today. And nothing as big as the bombshell of the leaked pilot Friday.
If I told the Anj that started this blog 7 years ago that Supergirl would be getting a touted live action show, he would have laughed.
The Anj of today isn't laughing. But he is smiling. Because producer Greg Berlanti making a Supergirl show has thrust the character into the mainstream spotlight. And, more importantly, Berlanti and all those involved seem to have a grasp of who the character is and how she should be portrayed.
But even the Anj of today would never ever ever imagine Supergirl appearing on the cover of Variety. Here is coverage of the article: http://ift.tt/1IV6KaD
And yet, there she is, in all her glory, arms crossed, smiling, standing in an iconic heroic pose. Amazing.
As a fan of the Flash show, it is great to see Grant Gustin on the cover with Melissa Benoist.
But other shots from the cover shoot are available on line. Here for example: http://ift.tt/1IV6LeT
And I love the cover choice. But some of these other pictures are incredible.
Like this action shot of the Flash getting ready to run while Supergirl seems to be preparing to take flight. Love it.
But this is my absolute favorite picture. I can understand why this wasn't the cover choice. But how perfect is this.
After years of grim and dark takes of the DCU heroes, of Zach Snyder desaturating colors and having Superman kill, we get a shot of Flash and Supergirl smiling and laughing.
I feel like we need to make a caption for this. Like Flash saying 'How long will it take us to defeat The Gang? 1.6 seconds?'
But even still shots like these make me so happy that Melissa Benoist is playing Kara. She just exudes Supergirl.
A few more things to comment on ...
Over on EOnline, Melissa Benoist talked briefly about putting on the Supergirl costume for the first time. Here is the link: http://ift.tt/1AiA6No
And I love this quote which again proves why she is perfect for the role:
" ... but the second I put it on, something shifts inside of me. It's kind of impossible not to feel strength and empowerment and positivity and hope. It really is pretty surreal."
I can imagine Kara Zor-El saying those words the first time she put on a Supergirl costume, knowing what the symbol meant, the inspiration it brings.
Mike Maihack, artist on Cleopatra in Space and the excellent on-like Supergirl/Batgirl comics, got around to drawing Supergirl in her show costume. I love this picture, a smiling triumphant Supergirl soaring over the city. I want this on a t-shirt!
Now if only we could get a Supergirl comic on the shelves!
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