Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Image copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

I see that The DANDY Summer Special is now on sale in
my local WHS.  Back by popular demand?  I very much doubt it!
It's highly unlikely that DCT has been inundated with requests, but
perhaps enough readers bought the last one to make it worthwhile
issuing yet another.  Back by lukewarm demand would probably
be a more accurate description.

Anyway, I looked through a copy and, too few pages aside, it's
a mess - a collection of the very worst that the comic had to offer
in the lead-up to its last gasp in 2013.  I usually purchase publications
such as this to support the remnants of a once-thriving industry, but I
won't be buying this one.  Those who read The Dandy in its heyday,
looking to wallow in nostalgia and expecting to see again the much-
loved characters of their youth are bound to be disappointed.

The characters are there, sure enough, but not in a form anyone
who isn't a teenager will recognize.  Trust me, overall, this Special is
in no way special, and is immense in its awfulness.  Unless you have
the previous two and are a completist, save yourself £5.99 and buy
yourself a Dandy back-number from eBay.  It's a shame that, cover
aside, Thomson's seem to have abandoned the nostalgia factor in
the marketing of the title - let's hope it's a one-off, eh?   
Verdict:  A wasted opportunity - don't waste your money.


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