Look at the cover at the foot of this post; that's what SPIDER-MAN
COMICS WEEKLY had become through a process of evolution by the
time its final issue hit the stands in December of 1985. Oh how the mighty
had fallen. Another Spidey title emerged at the beginning of 1986, called
SPIDER-MAN & ZOIDS, and 'though it was numbered 'Volume 2' to
sort of connect it to the previous lineage, the almost three month gap
between them distinguished it as a separate title.
However, it was a good long run. Two months short of 13 years is
a success for any comic, even if it limped a bit for the final few furlongs.
When the title had first appeared back in February 1973, I had been but a
mere schoolboy - now I was preparing to start my career as a freelancer
in the whacky world of comics, which, before very long, would include
MARVEL as one of the companies to which I contributed.
Anyway, enjoy your quick trip back in time to an earlier era.
Spidey's still with us, but his weekly comic is long-gone, alas!
All this savage barbarism for only 50p - wow! |
It had come to this! Spidey consigned to the corner of his own cover |
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