Image copyright MARVEL COMICS |
At last! It was what we'd all been waiting for! STEVE DITKO's
hitherto unpublished (at least on the front of a comicbook) cover for
AMAZING FANTASY #15, finally appearing on what was touted as
the last issue of The AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. So why did STAN
LEE reject Steve's cover and have JACK KIRBY redraw it - photo-
statting the speech balloons and lower caption on Ditko's version
and transferring them over to Kirby's?
Could it be that it looked as if Spidey was going to swing into
the wall of the building rather than past it? Or was it because he was
revealing his secret identity to more than just the guy under his arm?
(Who we can assume was too frightened to be listening anyway. And
besides, the cover scene was merely symbolic.) Did Stan just not like
the composition of Steve's design, or was it for some other, indefin-
able reason? I guess we'll never know for sure, but it was good
to see the original finally grace an actual Spidey mag.
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