Monday, 21 September 2015
All Female JLA 3001!
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When DC first announced that Supergirl was going to be in JLA3001 I bristled a bit. I hadn't really read the prior 3000 series but I new that it was something of a wild amalgam of DC continuities with a darker look at the future and the League. This seemed to be the opposite of my beloved Legion of Super-Heroes.
It didn't help that Keith Giffen had just done the Convergence Matrix comic where Supergirl was something of a joke.
Anyways, this was going to be the only place to read Supergirl and the initial pictures of her in her Silver Age costume (as rendered by Howard Porter) got me interested. I went out and bought back issues of the older series and put 3001 on my pull list.
Something surprising happened.
I loved the book.
And I loved the characterization of Supergirl. She seemed more heroic and more mature than many in the League. She definitely outclassed the Superman in the league, both in virtue and in powers. She seemed like she might be the natural leader of the team. I was glad the book was on my reading list.
Recently on Newsarama, Keith Giffen commented on the book and some of the changes that are happening within it. It is definitely worth reading the whole interview so here is the link:
And here is the blurb worth repeating here.
Nrama: You've also just added Supergirl to the team, so I assume she's going to be part of the book going forward?
Giffen: Oh yes! Oh yes, yes, yes. That's definite. Supergirl is going to be around for a long time. And I'm not even going to tinker with her that much.
We may tinker with her look, because it's the 30th Century and she is wearing a, like, I-just-came-out-of-the-spaceship-from-Krypton costume.
But I just like the idea that here are these… it's Justice League, and their DNA has been written over other people. They're flawed. They're all flawed. Their powers aren't complete. And along comes Supergirl…and it's Supergirl!
And she's got all the powers. And also, she's kind of a couple steps above them.
By giving her as close to the personality as she had back in the late '70s and early '80s as I'm capable of doing, we've got a character that, I think, encapsulates all the good things about Supergirl and yet we can move her in a direction and change her a little bit so she's not mistaken for a Supergirl who might show up in the "New 52" or in Geoff Johns' Justice Leagueor whatever. She becomes our character that way.
And I love having that character around. I will really fight to keep her in the book.
And this is, like, the first time I've ever written Supergirl. Yes, I know I did this thing with Supergirl in the Convergence thing, but it's not really Supergirl. This is the Kryptonian Supergirl. It's really the first time I've ever dealt with the character for an extended period.
And the good thing is, at least to our way of thinking, this Justice League is one of the many, many, many, many varied earths — we're not even putting a number to it; it's out there somewhere — we can have the character come in and do what we wants. You know, if it's not "New 52"'s Earth, we get to pick and choose the things we like about the character and put the character in there.
So in a way we're kind of cheating, but it's fun cheating.
It seems pretty clear that Giffen has a different feeling towards this Supergirl than he did with the Matrix version. I like that he recognizes that she's 'a couple of steps above' the rest of the team. And he seems to like he a bit. She seems to be the Kara in the Superman Family/Daring New Adventures time period, a time when she was a bit more established. I suppose the costume puts her earlier than that but her attitude seems more early 80s Supergirl.
She isn't the New 52 Supergirl. She's Kara Classic.
This interview made me even happier. Supergirl hasn't been on any of the solicited covers or issue descriptions. Sales are pretty low. I hope this book doesn't get the axe. Because I want to read this version of Kara for a while.
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