I really enjoyed the first issue in this Jirni: 2 mini-series - but the second issue didn't live up to the first.
The comic follows the sword-and-sorcery adventures of a woman who transforms into a massive, purple-hued warrior woman (think She-Hulk meets Red Sonja).
It's one of those "get acquainted" issues, giving us the life story of Boro, the captain of the (pirate?) ship she's hitched a ride on.
It's possible that this story will pay off in future chapters, but as a stand-alone issue it really drags. Things pick up by the end of the issue, as the ship fights for its life against a deadly attack - but despite that and some striking art by V Ken Marion and Mark Roslan, it's not enough to bring this one up to the creative standards of the first issue.
Grade: C+
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