way out of a record store/bar/cafe, I spotted a fellow staring into
space near the door, with his upturned bunnet lying next to him on
the chair like a busker or beggar. Ever-ready with a friendly, jovial
quip to lighten the load of world-weary travellers in this crazy journey
called life, I was going to say "I was just about to throw some money
into your bunnet" when I recognized that it was heavily bearded Scots
comedian FRANKIE BOYLE. I didn't let it deter me from delivering
my remark, but no politely indulgent titter or amiable answer (like
"Go right ahead, pal - I never knock back money!") was forth-
coming, just a brief, expressionless glance in my direction.
"Go right ahead, pal - I never knock back money!") was forth-
coming, just a brief, expressionless glance in my direction.
It's said that many famous comedians are rather dour in their
demeanour when not performing, or without the benefit of their
writers to supply witty one-liners, but I thought Fearless Frankie
would've been more ready to indulge in a bit of boisterous banter
with a passing pedestrian. If he had, then I might've had a more
interesting (and funnier) anecdote with which to regale you,
rather than this rather empty exercise in name-dropping.
rather than this rather empty exercise in name-dropping.
Blame Frankie Boyle for that, not me! Now, did I ever
tell you about the time I met RIKKI FULTON?
tell you about the time I met RIKKI FULTON?
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