Monday, 2 November 2015

Number 1808: Captain Marvel Jr in a fog

Freddy Freeman, the “crippled” newsboy who is also Captain Marvel Jr, is innocently peddling his papers when he spots some odd-looking fellows. He yells the magic word, becomes Junior and grabs one of them, only to exclaim, “He feels just like a mass of fog!” Freddy’s super powers must give him extraordinary ability of touch. I have been in a lot of fogs and have never been able to feel it except as water droplets. I don’t have a magic word, so I’ll give Junior’s tactile powers the benefit of the doubt.

The whimsical script gave artist Bud Thompson a chance to do a little experimenting with the look of the fog men. I find it a fun mix of cartoon exaggeration and Thompson’s more straight superhero-cartoon style of the era.

From Captain Marvel Jr #83 (1950).


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