Characters copyright MARVEL COMICS |
As we all know, MARVEL COMICS own the rights to MARVEL-
MAN (sometimes known as MIRACLEMAN). Several years back,
when Marvel were considering acquiring the copyright and negotiations
were underway, I was asked to letter some sample pages to be presented
to Marvel as part of the process. I had to sign a confidentiality clause,
in effect until the matter was decided one way or the other. Well, we
all know the result. So, here at last, are those particular pages for
your palpitating perusal.
Bear in mind that the writer/artist (who prefers to remain anony-
mous) was under no restrictions as to what he could do, and that, con-
sequently, these pages do not represent any plans or ideas that Marvel
had or may have for the character. A Marvel bigwig described them
to me in a telephone conversation as 'model comic art', and was ex-
tremely complimentary about my humble contribution as well.
So go on then - feast your eyes, then leave a comment!
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