Is this guy seriously deluded or what? Giving me a dose of
my own medicine? What a loser! It gives me immense satisfac-
tion to know that, without even trying, I can get under the skin of
some frustrated inadequate to such an extent that he feels compelled
to vent his frustration in such an impotent way. He's obsessed with me
to such a degree that he's glued to my blog every day, according every
post a level of attention that surely marks him out as someone with too
much time on his hands. Obviously doesn't have a girlfriend or wife
(unless she's inflatable) because he's clearly got no balls - as testified
to by the fact that he hides his real identity behind mine. Or per-
haps he wants to be me, hence him using my name and face
in the performance of his 'tribute act'?
So let's look at the 'truth', shall we? I don't impersonate
people, I don't set up fake accounts with the intention of malic-
iously maligning anyone, I don't spread lies about folk, and I'm not
and never have been a 'troll'. Yet this sad d*ck does all of that and
believes he's got the moral highground? If anyone's laughing, it's me -
my very existence is the bane of his life and he's so tormented he feels
compelled to express his rage, even if it's only in this childish, pathetic
and laughable way. (He's clearly of low intellect.) I've become the
focus of his life and he's on a mission to make people hate me. As
if anyone gives a sh*t! I never knew I was so important. Hey,
I've got my very own 'mini-me', an obsessed stalker -
"Made it, Ma! Top of the world!"
Feel free to join me in laughing at the sad bell-end.
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