Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

Apparently (if I've got my comics history right), SHOWCASE
#94 was originally intended to publish the first appearance of JACK
KIRBY's ORION Of The NEW GODS, until DC COMICS decided
to give the series its own mag.  Because of that, the last issue of Show-
case to appear was #93 in 1970.  Number 94 eventually turned up in
'77, featuring the debut of The New DOOM PATROL, who also
starred in #s 95 & 96.  Incidentally, ROBOT MAN's new body
was inspired by JOHN BYRNE's character - ROG-2000.

And now for the eagerly anticipated (cough) personal bit.  On
the Saturday I first bought this issue, I was making my way home
just as it was getting dark, and took a detour through the grounds of
one of my old schools.  On the far side of a putting green adjacent to
the school grounds was a small wooded area, the silhouette of which,
it seemed to me in the gathering gloom, was the perfect double of
the background on the comic's cover.  That's why, even today,
I can't look at one without also thinking of the other.

Hard to believe that was very nearly 40 years ago.  My old
school is now gone and a new structure stands in its place, but the
one I knew yet exists in the evergreen land of memory - especially
when I look at the cover of Showcase #94.  Got any memories
associated with this ish?  Then get typing, frantic ones.


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