Image copyright MARVEL COMICS |
This one's a areal turkey. The figure of REPLICUS is awkward,
distorted even. Former KIRBY assistant MARK EVANIER has
expressed uncertainty that the rejected page is even by Jack and, in
doing so, thereby demonstrates that one can sometimes be too close
to a subhect to be truly objective. One could argue that Jack's auto-
graph is the last word on the matter, but not necessarily so. If he was
attending a comics convention and was presented with a page to sign
that looked like his work, unless he had cause to doubt its authen-
ticity, he would've smiled and added his mighty moniker.
So signed or not, it's clearly pencilled by Jack (and inked by
VINCE COLLETTA), but it's undoubtedly a 'Kirby Kock-
Up' that STAN LEE was right to reject in favour of a cobbled
together cover using enhanced panels from the interior issue.
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