Thursday, 4 August 2016

Doctor Strange #10

   It makes sense that magic - like surgery - can be a messy business.

   That's been the theme of the opening story in the new Doctor Strange series, as the Earth's magicians team up to fight back against an invasion of a force representing super-science - and dead set on destroying magic in all its forms.

   The fight has been a desperate, down-and-dirty one, and it's exposed the ugly underbelly of magic - and some of the unexpected ways Strange is supported, and what his followers (and the Doctor himself) must endure.

    Writer Jason Aaron has managed a brilliant balance of action, horror, mysticism and (yes) humor to craft a clever, page-turning beast of a story.

   The comic also manages to score the perfect artist in Chris Bachalo, inked here by a small army, including Tim Townsend, John Livesay, Victor Olazaba, Al Vey, Jamie Mendoza and Wayne Faucher.

   I have no idea who drew what, but the end product is surprisingly seamless and loaded with vivid, unique images and creatures. Wonderful stuff!

   (And my, isn't that Kevin Nowlan cover terrific?)

   So an excellent start to this series - some of the best Doctor Strange stories in far too long. Highly recommended!

Grade: A



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