Monday, 23 January 2017


Train up a child in the way he should go, and
when he is old, he will not depart from it.

(Proverbs 22:6.)

Don't panic, I'm not about to preach to you, but the
above verse has a remarkable degree of truth to it.  How-
ever, it doesn't just apply in the case of morality;  it has other 
implications.  I'm talking about how impressionable we are as
youngsters, to the extent that our early experiences shape our
sense of how we expect things to be (that's how it seemed to
me anyway) for the rest of our lives.  Not convinced?
Allow me to give you a few examples.

Currency for one.  I still think of £sd as 'real' money,
and view decimal coinage as a recent introduction.  Bar codes
on comics for another.  Although that little box was introduced
over 40 years ago, and has graced the covers of most of the peri-
odicals I've ever bought, to me it still seems like a fairly new inter-
loper (a squatter) that I'd be happy to see the back of.  Next up is
Jeremy Paxman, the current host of University Challenge
In two years time, he'll have been presenting the programme
for 25 years, equalling his famous predecessor Bamber
Gascoigne, the 'real' presenter in my view.

And how about Snickers, M&Ms, Oil of Olay, and
various other items?  To me, they'll always be Marathon,
Treets and Oil of Ulay (not that I use the last one, I hasten
to add - despite perhaps needing to).  Doctor Who?  There'll
only ever be one, and that's William Hartnell.  I could go on
and on (and some of you no doubt fear that I will), but you get
the point.  Our first experience of how things are in our early
years becomes the template for how we feel things should
be for our entire allotted span on this planet.

That's how I feel anyway.  No doubt there are ex-
ceptions to the rule, but what I've just outlined probably
goes a long way in explaining why, in the main, I don't like
change.  I have difficulty coming to terms with familiar things
disappearing from my life;  I hate it when trees get cut down,
or lampposts or paving slabs are replaced, or when buildings
are demolished, or fields where I played as a child are built
on.  I want things (as I first knew them) to stay the same
forever, and what's more, I want to be around for-
ever to enjoy them for all eternity.

What about the rest of you?  Do you think I'm
talking my usual old pants, or do you feel the same as
I do on the matter?  Hey, I've got an idea - why don't we
put on a'show' right here?  Okay then, we'll do it in the
  comments section.  Who's up first?  Get typing. 


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