Saturday, 28 January 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

It seems only a few scant years ago when I bought
truth, it was a staggering 20 years back when I first acquired
issues # 1 & 3 of this very limited series.  For some unknown
or forgotten reason, #2 was never put aside for me, and it
was always my firm intention to obtain it whenever the
first opportunity presented itself.

However, it was a case of 'out of sight, out of mind',
and it was only when I was occasionally looking through
the contents of my comics cupboard that I was reminded of
my quest.  "Must get that missing issue!" I'd think, only to
promptly forget my resolution the moment I closed the cup-
board door.  However, last time, I kept the two comics out
to remind me, and last week, I saw the missing ish on
eBay for a reasonable price and bought it.

It arrived about an hour ago, and I instantly put it in
sequential order between its companion issues and then
sat back and congratulated myself on finally fulfilling this
long-held intention to complete the set.  However, as I said,
it only seemed a few years 'long', not the 20 it actually was.
My very next act will be to read the latter two numbers,
having read the first ish a couple of nights back.

What attracted me to the first issue in 1990 was
seeing Captain Marvel in his original green and white
costume he was wearing when he debuted in MARVEL
SUPER-HEROES #12 way back in 1967.  That odd colour
combination shouldn't really work on a superhero outfit, but
somehow it does - for me at least.  Having now re-browsed
through all three issues to get a taste of them, I'm not ex-
pecting a classic, but it'll be good to lay yet another
'ghost' to rest after all this time.

So, tell you what.  Why not join me in a look at the
covers and some interior pages to celebrate me finally
completing my task?  That way, perhaps I won't feel so
guilty about putting these comics in a cupboard and for-
getting about them for a while - until the next time I'm
in there looking for something that is.

I don't care what it looks like - he's not doing that, okay?


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