Sunday, 12 March 2017
Pappy’s Sunday Supplement #8: Dan Spiegle and the land beneath the sea
Comic artist Dan Spiegle died on January 28, 2017, at age 96. He had begun his career by drawing the newspaper comic strip, Hopalong Cassidy, and when that ended in the mid-fifties he went to work for Western Publishing, doing comic books under the Dell and later Gold Key colophons. When Western closed its comics line Spiegle went on, working a lot with writer/creator Mark Evanier. Spiegle was a true professional, whose work is seen in many of Dell’s titles licensed from TV, especially Westerns.
You can read an interview done with Spiegle in 1972, from Graphic Story Magazine. See the link below.
Captain Venture only appeared in two issues in the sixties. The feature was a back-up for Spiegle’s Lost in Space. I showed issue number 1 in 2013, and I also have a link for that below. Unlike the first issue, which was comprised of reprints from Lost in Space, the second issue is an original story, which borrows a bit from H.G. Wells’ The Island of Dr Moreau. I say if you are going to swipe plots or story ideas, swipe from the best.
From Captain Venture and the Land Beneath the Sea #2 (1969). Written by Gaylord Dubois.
Graphic Story World interview with Dan Spiegle
Here is the first issue of Captain Venture. Just click on the thumbnail.
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