Thursday, 9 March 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

I know I've waffled on about it before, but I just can't
get used to how quickly time passes as one gets older.  It
seems like only a few short years ago that I picked up The
INFINITY GAUNTLET #s 1 & 2, but it was a staggering
26 years back - more than a quarter of a century away.
I was still a young man then, but youth has long-deserted
me, 'though the comics remain in the same condition
as when I first bought them.

For some unknown reason, I never saw the next four
issues in the run, but yesterday, I acquired the softcover
collected edition, and I'm now looking forward to catching
up with what I missed almost half my life away.  For a brief
time, I'll be able to pretend that I'm back in 1991, and still
have my youth and vitality, with more years ahead of me
than behind me.  Sure, it's only an illusion, but some-
times illusions are the best we can hope for.

Here's to Infinity - and beyond.

And should you wish to purchase the softcover collected
edition for yourself, below is what it looks like.  Available from
FORBIDDEN PLANET and all good comics shops.


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