Thursday, 9 March 2017


Characters copyright HANNA-BARBERA

25 years ago, a MARVEL U.K. editor asked me to letter a
Holiday Special at short notice.  I agreed, but when I received the
script and art, the script was awful.  It had been translated from a
foreign edition (which was a translation from an U.S. edition)
and the script was so immensely awful as to be insulting.

It was a HANNA-BARBERA-based comic, and nothing
was right.  RANGER SMITH was named WARDEN SMITH,
the characters spoke in a stilted fashion, merely repeating, in the
main, what was obvious in the pictures.  What's more, little care
had been taken to ensure the dialogue and captions fitted the
allocated space.  It was a dog's dinner.

I 'phoned the editor and related my concerns, and enquired
if I might be allowed to 'punch' things up a bit.  She reluctantly
assented, seeing the wisdom in my words, but she wasn't overly
happy that I'd spotted oversights she had missed.  However,
the deadline was looming and there wasn't time to return the
strips to the office to be lettered by anyone else.

You'll have to trust me on this, I suppose, but the finished
result was far better than the original version.  I tailored all the
dialogue to fit the balloons, I supplied the characters' logos for
the splash pages (taken from a Hanna-Barbera book I had),
and actually added some humour to the script.

The tale you see is one of the results.  If you get at least
one chuckle out of it, that's one more than was in it before
I got to work.  Did I get any more dosh for all the extra time
and effort I put into it?  Hey, don't ask silly questions.

And below is the cover which contained the above tale.


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