contributor was lettering the art of comics legend
TERRY BAVE. I lettered quite a few of his strips,
but it was a particular thrill one day when I was given
a SAMMY SHRINK page of Terry's, as I had enjoyed
the strip in WHAM! back in the '60s. DAVE JENNER
had been the original artist, but Terry took over, ghost-
ing Jenner's style remarkably effectively until he was
allowed to gradually phase in his own artistic stamp.
(Sammy went on to feature in KNOCKOUT,
and then WHIZZER & CHIPS.)
Quite a few years ago, I was able to supply
Terry with a copy of the Wham! issue in which
his very first Sammy strip had appeared. He kindly
sent me some autographed comics he'd worked on as a
thank you, each and every one of which I still retain to
this day. He even graciously supplied art and articles
to The Illustrated COMIC JOURNAL when I was
thank you, each and every one of which I still retain to
this day. He even graciously supplied art and articles
to The Illustrated COMIC JOURNAL when I was
depute editor of the magazine for a while in the '90s.
I've got huge respect for Terry, both as a car-
toonist and the gentleman he is.
I've got huge respect for Terry, both as a car-
toonist and the gentleman he is.
I hadn't heard from him in a while, so you
can imagine my surprise and delight when I re-
ceived a call from Terry out of the blue a couple of
weeks or so back. We chatted about old times, and
have spoken another few times since. I was also de-
lighted today when a pair of cardboard tubes arrived
from Terry, containing several comics and a page of
Sammy Shrink artwork, all personally autographed
by his good self. (His wife Shiela kindly signed
the artwork as well.) That's a scan of the
the artwork as well.) That's a scan of the
published page at the top of this post.
It's interesting to note that Terry's name
was removed from the middle picture of the
central tier, as I thought that IPC/FLEETWAY
had abandoned the practice of deleting artists' sig-
natures by then. (It remains on the original art.) I'm
bowled over by Terry's generosity, because amongst
the gems he sent me are MONSTER FUN #1 (with
and KNOCKOUT #1, as well as a few other first
issues. No, none of them will be going on eBay,
'cos I'm keeping them forever. After all, our
man Terry's one of comics' finest.
and KNOCKOUT #1, as well as a few other first
issues. No, none of them will be going on eBay,
'cos I'm keeping them forever. After all, our
man Terry's one of comics' finest.
There are some good (and even great)
cartoonists working in comics today, but un-
fortunately, there are also far too many lacklustre
ones, who've taken comics back to the level of stick
drawings on cave walls. However, although he had
a seemingly simple style, Terry was a superb story-
teller and a consummate cartoonist, and it's just a
shame that he no longer draws for comics today.
He deserves his retirement, but comics would
certainly benefit from his talents.
So here's to Terry - one of nature's
gentlemen. Comics would've been so much
poorer for his absence, as they would also have
been without devoted Shiela helping him over the
decades. A few years back, Terry wrote about his
career in the world of weekly comics, and if you
don't have a copy of his fascinating volume, you
should add one to your collection as soon as
you can. (Buy one at this link.)
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