Well, regular reader, the bold JP, has decided to respond to my
invitation to submit a guest post, so without further ado, here it is.
As a small boy, one day my Dad said to me "Son, I'm giving
you this - it's all that remains of my childhood catapult. It was
a beltin' catapult, but it's all I've got left of me toys, an' I'm now
givin' it to you, so look after it!" He handed me a bare, gnarled,
age-darkened Y-shaped piece of a tree branch, with a bit
of grubby string bound around the handle.
Now jump forward a few years and the latest craze in our
village were these metal catapults you could get from the iron-
monger's, which could fire marbles for miles, because of the really
strong rubber. But they were just a bit too pricey for me to buy, so
I thought "I know! I'll mek one me sen out a that 'un me faether
gimme!" (I don't know why I was talking like Kes, as I lived in the
Midlands!) So I took some strong rubber off an aeroplane-launch-
ing toy, made a slingshot and threaded the rubber through it and
bound it tightly to the cut-out tips with strong thin string
and it was made. But would it be any good?
There was only one way to find out, so, armed with a bag of
marbles, I climbed up on the bedroom windowsill, opened the
window wide and let one fly! Wow! It went for miles! It was
just like a bullet! But what should I aim at? In the field behind
our garden was a telegraph pole, but in the next field to the
right, there was a pumping station with a glass skylight.
No contest.
And so I began showering the building with marbles! As it was
so far away I couldn't actually see or hear if I was hitting it or not,
but it didn't matter, because in my head I was - The Smasher!
After a while, I was rudely interrupted by a very angry man in a
boilersuit, standing below me in the back garden. He was shaking
both fists in the air and saying "Grrr!" Red fumes were rising from
his even redder face and steam was billowing out of his ears! He had
a huge lump on top of his head and his face was covered in scratches
and crossed plasters. "What do you think you're doing?!" he
yelled up at me and began pounding on the back door.
"Get down here!" he bellowed, so I went down to the back
kitchen to face the music. "He's been smashing my windows
with his catapult!" Mr. Angry was yelling at my parents. "What
were you doing that for?" he yelled at me, whilst little birds
and stars were circling the lump on his head.
"I didn't know I was," I lied, "I was aiming at the telegraph pole."
"Well, you're not a very good shot then!" he retorted. "You're
not even supposed to have a catapult, anyway! Where did you
get it?" he demanded of me with a stern look in his eye.
"Me Dad gimme it." I answered.
Then silence.
My Dad had turned bright red and had this sickly grin. Sweat
was pouring down his forehead. "Go and fetch it, I'm going to
confiscate it!" Mr. Angry ordered, so I did as I was told. Then I
was sent to my room, so I climbed the stairs, saying "Bah!"
As I closed my bedroom window, I could see Mr. Angry down
below, surrounded by these strange symbols - @#*%∆$#@!!
I never knew exactly what went on downstairs after that, but for
the rest of that week my Dad had strangely taken to walking around
with his trouser pockets turned inside-out! Anyway, I stayed in my
room for the rest of that evening, and the next day, I thought it best
not to mention it. And nobody spoke about it again - ever!
It was for the best I suppose.
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