Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Number 2119: Imitator of the dead

Halloween is next week. I’d better stock up on candy for the trick-or-treaters, and hope this year I don’t eat it all before the kids show up at my door. At least with a Halloween tale or three before Halloween I don’t rot my teeth...just my mind, already long rotted to the consistency of melted nougat.

I have planned horror stories for posts today through Monday, beginning with “Terror of the Burning Corpse.” It is at least well drawn, if totally lacking in a plot with any credibility of all. But that is my assessment. I leave it to you to decide if you can accept a man taking on the looks and persona of a rival to the woman he loves. After killing him, of course. And we all know what happens when someone is murdered in a horror comic...they find a way back from the dead to wreak their own revenge.

Grand Comics Database doesn’t guess who wrote it, but they think Hy Fleishman (with question mark) drew it. It is from Dark Mysteries #18 (1954):


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