Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Dan Dare #2

   I enjoyed the first issue of the new Dan Dare series, and the second issue offers more of the same high adventure and alien menace.

   The first issue ended with Dan wishing for a new challenge - and he may regret that thought, as a giant alien starship invades our galaxy and destroys one of Saturn's moons!

   Dan and his partners in adventure - Digby and Peabody - rocket to intercept the ship and try to learn more about it - but they receive an unfriendly welcome, and then meet someone who might be a new ally.

   The mystery of the alien invaders is rolling out slowly, but it's building nicely.

   With terrific art by Alberto Foche and a strong script by Peter Milligan, this series continues to carry on the highly-regarded traditions of the original series.


Grade: A-



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