Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Harbinger Renegade #1

   While I've never been a fan of "zero" issues, this is a "done in one" adventure that sets up the upcoming Harbinger Wars event book for Valiant - and it's well worth checking out.

   The focus is on a military strike mission by the augmented H.A.R.D. Corps team (a SEAL-type team with super-powers), which hopes to take down a psiot terrorist.

   Their target seems to be hiding on a remote island, so the team plans its attack carefully. Of course, any war plan rarely survives the first encounter on the battlefield - and the team soon finds itself in a fierce firefight.

   It's a wild, brutal fight from start to finish, with a strong script by Rafer Roberts and powerful art by Juan Jose Ryp.

   It lays the foundation for a bigger story down the road - one that has world-shaking potential. Recommended!

Grade: B+




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