Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Long time no see, bloggers!

We're doing a book signing on the 18th November with Dave & Tim to promote the release of their newest book, HOW COMICS WORK.

Join us for an exciting afternoon at Dave’s Comics for a signing of How Comics Work, a beautifully illustrated behind-the-scenes peek into the creative world of Britain’s first Comics Laureate, Dave Gibbons - one of the most influential comic creators working today. 

Written in collaboration with the Brighton-based comics expert Tim Pilcher, How Comics Work is packed full of rare and unpublished material from Gibbons’ archive, which reveals insider tips on his work for 2000 AD, Green Lantern, Watchmen, and many more. 

Dave Gibbons, the artist behind juggernauts like Watchmen and The Green Lantern, is here to teach you scriptwriting, page layouts, lettering, cover designs and more, and he's doing it with scans of original artwork and rarely seen workings to illstrate his personal creative processes.

How Comics Work is your chance to gain insight into Gibbons' work, from his computer colouring and 3D modelling with Angus McKie on Give Me Liberty, to his work on The Originals using digital greytones. You'll learn how he layers text for editing, creates effects such as flares and neon glows, and prepares artwork for print and online.

Tim Pilcher is a pop culture expert who has worked in and and around the comics industry for over 20 years. Tim initially started as an assistant editor at DC Comics' Vertigo imprint and he has written comics for the BBC, DeAgostini, Weldon Owen and the Young Telegraph. Tim ahs written over 16 books on comics and has lectured at UCL, Dublin Trinity College, The Imperial War Museum, and the British Library. He is the UK liaison for international graphic novel publisher, Humanoids. Tim lives in Brighton, England.

From 12-2pm. See you there! Tell your friends!


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