A couple of posts back, I showed you the JAMES BOND 007 secret agent set and mentioned the RED BOX 707 knock-off - well, here it is. As I said, not exactly the same as the LONE STAR set, but not without its own appeal. Incidentally, I still have the box for this - saw it just a few weeks back, but have now forgotten where I put it. When I discover it again, I'll scan it and add it to this post. Apparently this set first appeared in the '60s, but I bought this one in the late 1980s or early '90s - from ARGOS of all places. I think it's a superb wee set, and am gutted that I'm now too old to play with it. Mind you, that can be said for a lot of things about me these days. (Remember, you're responsible for your own innuendo.)
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