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Once again, Happy New Year to all you cavortin' Criv-ites. 2018, eh? Seems like only last week to me that it was 1968. Anyway, here we are with yet another in our series of cover comparisons, this time FANTASTIC FOUR #93 and The TITANS #35. There's no doubt that the landscape format restricted the impact of the cover artwork, but it's a valiant attempt to emulate JACK KIRBY - even if it isn't quite in the same class. When you think about it, the landscape idea was a strange one in that it used up more material than a standard weekly comic, wasn't entirely popular with newsagent's, and as I said, restricted what could be done with the cover image. On the plus side though, it gave readers value for money, and its difference probably generated more attention than a standard comic.
Did you buy The Titans back in the day? If so, what did you think of MARVEL's 'sideways' comic? Do tell.
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