Monday, 1 January 2018

Happy New Year Mike Maihack Style

Happy New Year!

Before the glow of the holidays completely fades away, I thought I would share (albeit late) Mike Maiahack's Supergirl/Batgirl Christmas comic. These strips have become something of a tradition around here. And with each one, I always hope that somehow DC will hire Maihack for something and allow him to publish an all ages book.

Usually these comics have an overly powered and overly cheery acting as the comic foil to the comic 'straight man' of Batgirl. But this time the table are turned a bit.

This time Batgirl won't be caught by surprise and instead hopes to prance away to a sunny vacation. I love that third panel Batgirl stripping into a bat-one-piece bathing suit and vaulting onto the beach. It is a rare moment of levity for the usually dour Babs.

And I love ...and I mean love ... the bathing cap/cowl with the little ears.

Unfortunately the beach has been turned into a 'Winter Wonderland' by the Mad Hatter. Even Kara (dressed in her holiday striped tights) is trapped.

For once, Babs gets to save the day. I love how cheery it makes her to finally get to be the action hero in her own strip.

And the last panel with Kara warming up with cocoa is priceless.

As usual, Maihack hits all the right tones in this little comic. I suggest you head out and look for all his prior World's Finest strips.

And please visit his sites and check out his Cleopatra in Space comic! Here are some links!

Happy 2018 everyone!


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