Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Maguire Supergirl Art In Bendis' Man Of Steel (Plus Some Ivan Reis)

The news about Brian Michael Bendis' Superman run is starting to ooze out a bit and more and more it seems like Supergirl will have a role in it and that makes me happy.  The latest was tweeted out by DC on their instagram profile.

It shows Superman and Supergirl flying over the city, battling whoever the big bad of Superman Man of Steel is.

Whoever he is, he's big and he wields a pretty mean axe.

How great to see the cousins in action together.

The official instagram post doesn't add too much more to the conversation. But given this is Maguire, we can assume it is in Man of Steel #4.

Maguire has tweeted out the image and said it is a double page spread which makes me think this is really going to pop off the page!

Further news came out over on Bleeding Cool when this image of the six covers to Man of Steel are now joined by a tagline that "Superman's past has come to destroy his future!' Here is the link!

So somehow this villain is around for the destruction of Krypton? Responsible for it? Maybe he is seeking revenge because Krypton's destruction somehow effected him? Energy/debris from Krypton landed on his world and killed people there?

Hmmm ... what if Kryptonite kills other races with the rapidity it kills Kryptonians?

Just looking closer that the individual covers, I really love this one with Supergirl and Superman streaking into action. And look ... red trunks!!!!

Love it!

This one also stood out.

Bendis has said all along that he isn't going to destroy and rewrite Superman's past. He is building on it.

This cover makes me think he means it.

After all ...

It looks like the cover to Grant Morrison's Action Comics #5. 

Anyways, I really hope Supergirl plays a big role in the story. And I hope she gets a book of her own after the dust settles.


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