Thursday, 15 March 2018

Sales Review: Supergirl #18

The news about the Super-titles came hard and fast recently with the announcement that Supergirl and Super Sons were being canceled. There wasn't much news outside of that. It seems obvious that this is being done to clear the way for Brian Michael Bendis and the realignment of the Superman books. But it feels like throwing out the baby with the bath water. And the sales numbers for last month seem to bear that out. Head to ICv2:

It is not as if any of the super-titles aren't selling well. But let's take a look.

Supergirl #18 continued to arc of Supergirl on the run from the DEO and this time fighting the Evolutionist. I have thought this book has been on fire since the end of the Fatal Five arc. Things are tighter and the story and art is phenomenal.

It also sported this tremendous Artgerm variant cover, the '5 seconds later' cover to the iconic Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #1 cover, right down to the logo, the 'electrifying issue' blurb, and the painted cityscape. It's beautiful and playful and sexy and reverential of the source material. This had to be a draw.

Again, whether it is word of mouth about how great the book is now or the Artgerm covers or both, the issue rose in sales. Supergirl #18 had 31,675 units ordered. That is an uptick of five thousand units from the month before which sold 26,466.

Seriously, I think store owners knew that Artgerm book would fly off the shelves.

But I have to wonder about DC's decision to cancel. This was the #56 book for the month of February. It outsold Harley Quinn. It was an eyelash behind Astonishing X-Men. Incredible.

Why pull the plug!!!

And what about Super Sons?

Super Sons #13 was the beginning of the Talia arc, bringing in the 'other mother' after the book has really concentrated on Clark, Lois, and Bruce.

This was a great issue. I love the idea of Talia coming in to try and lure Damian back to the dark side.

Super Sons #13 came in at #65 and sold 29,625.

In this market, these numbers are fantastic. I hope this whole Bendis stuff is just a pause for both properties. Both have shown they have a market and deserve to be on the shelf.

Let's keep asking DC to do the right thing!


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