Wednesday 5 June 2019

DC Superhero Girls #WasabiWar

After what seemed to be a slow start out of the gate, the new DC Superhero Girls has been putting out great new material, both 'full' episodes on the Cartoon Network (introducing Livewire and Giganta) and the YouTube shorts.

The latest short on YouTube, titled #WasabiWar is available and features the interesting pair of Zatanna and Supergirl. Here is a link:

Remember, Zatanna here is the 'Rarity', enjoying the finer things in life and following societal rules of decorum. Supergirl is the 'Rainbow Dash', a bit rough and tumble, a bit of the rebel. So you know insanity will ensue.

Zatanna has somehow obtained a reservation at one of the fancier and more exclusive sushi restaurants in Metropolis. She invites Supergirl.

And while Zatanna is a bit demure and subdued as she revels in being there, Kara is more in a pub mode, using the chopsticks like drum sticks and generally being a bit rowdy.

You would think that Zatanna would ask someone more open minded about food there.

The opening dish of seaweed salad is slid to the side. She 'had seaweed for lunch' ...

Sure Kara, sure.

When the Dragon roll of sushi is brought out, Kara asks for ketchup.

She wants a burger.

And Zatanna, a bit upset that Kara is embarrassing her, tries to force feed her a piece like a toddler.

That's pretty funny.

Next is a whole cooked fish, head and all.

I love how Kara says she usually eats her fish in 'stick form'. And 'without heads'.

And when the cooked fish's eye opens when Kara pokes it, Supergirl is horrified.

I love that Kara likes fish sticks. And that this eyeball freaks her out so much.

When octopus soup is brought out, Kara begs for a hamburger.

And sick of the complaining, Zatanna gives in. Except, she uses a chop stick instead of her wand. The resulting off-kilter spell makes the tentacles grow and come to life, in an almost Cthulhu-looking horror.

Physical comedy has been a delightful piece of this show and I love how we see Kara's head being bashed through the wall of the restaurant while the oblivious wait staff walks by.

And Kara saying 'check please' is classic comedy.

With the restaurant being destroyed by this beast, Supergirl decides to end things with her heat vision.

Nice perspective shot here.

Poor Zatanna. All she wanted was a nice night out at the fancy restaurant.

With the place demolished, she doubts she'll be able to get another reservation.

And, ironically, Kara discovers she likes cooked octopus.

As a guy whose go-to meal in restaurants is seafood on pasta, as someone who loves squid and octopus, this makes me smile!

Too much fun. I am loving this series.


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