Friday, 5 July 2019
Leviathan Theory - Entomology
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By now everyone who comes here is probably aware of my main Leviathan Theory , the idea that Ted Kord is leading the 'Charlton Heroes' in a way to wrest control of the world and bring order.
From Captain Atom as the 'Enforcer' to Nightshade as a lieutenant to all the Watchmen references, I am pretty confidant of this pick.
As a result I am looking for any clue, even the vaguest whiff of a clue to help bolster this idea.
So from cover layouts to power visualizations to Leviathan's handcuffs, I have been doing my best to force the clues to fit my paradigm.
So what about Leviathan himself?
Well, I mentioned how the mask as we had seen it was familiar to Carapax, an armor linked to Blue Beetle.
At the end of Action Comics #1012, we get an up close look at Leviathan's mask. This is one intricate and detailed rendering by new Action artist Szymon Kudranski. And I thought it was our best look yet.
And there was something about it ...
There was something about the details around the mouth, a sort of U encircling the mouth with a sort of break at the bottom. It seemed to invoke the feeling of pincers.
So, I leaned into some entomology and found this picture of a Longhorn Beetle up close.
And the look of the pincers, the area around and above the mouth, the markings and lines, it all reminded me of the Leviathan mask.
A beetle like mask on Leviathan?
Okay, who knows if this is my anchoring bias weighing me down again.
But I have to think there is some family resemblance here.
Leviathan is Ted Kord.
This time I'm right.
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