A couple of years ago the news outlets were full of stories of predatory men in positions of power acting in sexually inappropriate ways with females. One of them was a famous movie producer who used his power in the industry to mistreat women. And so it is with this tale of a young woman who wants to be in movies. She meets a nice guy, but nearly ruins her chances with him and finds herself in the unwanted embrace of a notorious Hollywood rogue! We know he is a rogue because he has a pencil-thin mustache. Since it is a love comic we know Lora will be spared that fate, and she does go back to the arms of the more worthy man.
So Lora will have her chance in movies, but she has already shown another talent. On page 5 she takes in hand a drape from the window and in the next panel has turned it into a slinky gown, just right for the image she wishes to project as a sexy, seductive siren (the cause of her trouble with the grabby guy). Lora’s seamstress talent with a drape shows if she does not make it as a movie star there will surely be a job in the costume department.
“Promise of Passion” is from Quality Comics’ Hollywood Diary #2 (1950). Grand Comics Database credits the pencil artwork to Sam Citron and guesses the inking is by Bill Ward.
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