Wednesday 25 September 2019

hypocrisyofandrewdobson:@jetstreamedsam Here, this will work as a proper replacement(from Dobson’s...


@jetstreamedsam Here, this will work as a proper replacement(from Dobson’s KF thread).


Dobson does another comic similar to that “Star Wars fans are sexist, racist and childish!” comic that got him so much attention last time, and just like that one this is a blatant attempt to suck up to women and shame men in general. He even admitted that he only did the last comic for attention

I also want to draw special attention to the last panel, in which Dobson draws a “d*bag” that’s supposedly telling women they don’t belong. That’s actually a real person he’s depicting, Ethan van Sciver, who Dobson claims is the leader of a hate group against women in comics. Now you may be asking yourself, “why is Dobson making accusations at EVS of all people? Is it because he’s involved in ComicsGate?” While Dobson would have you believe that’s the reason he did so, the answer is much more simple and petty.

EVS once did a live-stream in which he started it off by debunking Dobson’s Star Wars comic panel by panel, and Dobson is still holding a grudge over it. Because he never lets anything go.

Dobson started off by going “lol some nobody made a long video mocking my comic, what a loser!” even though it was only a short bit at the start of an overall video about Star Wars. Dobson would continue to pretend he didn’t know who Ethan van Sciver is until he found out he was involved in ComicsGate and that he mocked Dobson even more, then he started making multiple posts about how stupid and pathetic he is, even including him in a SYAC comic. And he see here that Dobson still is pissy about getting called out by someone with actual comic-making credentials and fame.

Dobson is literally incapable of letting things go.


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