Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Number 2390: Dagar Desert Hawk: Big Sahib, Little Sahib

I’ll get this out of the way: the villain in this story refers to himself as “Big Sahib.” I looked up sahib in the dictionary. It is a term of respect for greeting someone. An example given is “the Doctor Sahib.” My reason for checking on it is because it is a term from India, not from an Arab country where this story takes place.

Big Sahib is a short guy, so to get bigger he does not choose to buy platform shoes or heel lifts, he just invents a formula to shrink everyone else. Maybe instead of creating a shrink juice he could have worked on a formula to make himself taller?

Jack Kamen drew this story, or at least a substantial part of it, at the Iger Studio. Grand Comics Database credits artist Edmund Good, but I don’t believe it’s by Good, who did draw some Dagar stories, but Kamen. I love Kamen’s action scenes and scantily clad women in this sexy story from Fox Features, the line of exploitation comics.

This short story is from Dagar Desert Hawk #16 (1948) from Fox Features.


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