Tuesday 15 October 2019

Review: Superman #16

Superman #15 came out last week and was a wonderful issue giving us a little coda to the Super Sons team of Jon and Damian. The Super Sons was one of the unfortunate pieces of collateral damage when Brian Michael Bendis came on. Jon was aged up to join the Legion. That meant the tweener team written by Peter Tomasi had to go away. And that was a shame. I loved that book.

In this issue, Bendis shows how this friendship isn't going to be affected by the age jump. This was something of a wild romp akin to the Super Sons book. He also shows that he understands the personalities of these two and how they interact. I laughed out loud more than once when reading this. That's always a good sign.

And we also get a touching ending, the perfect capstone to Jon's adventures in the present day DCU.

Art is by David LaFuente and he brings a style akin to Carlo Barberi and the other Super Sons artists. There is a little chunky, Saturday morning cartoon feel to things. But it just works perfectly with the characters and the tone of the story.

I am sad that the original idea of the Super Sons is going away. But I think this issue showed it can still kind of work.

On to the book.

We start the issue with Damian in a pitched battle with a squad of Leviathan troops. In the middle of the fight, Superboy arrives.

In a funny little bit, Jon begins to explain what has happened and why he is back. And a frustrated Damian just peppers him with batarangs during the monologue. I love how Jon just stands there letting them harmlessly hit him while talking.

It finally tires out Damian who screams 'what happened!'

That batarang bit made me laugh!

And then Jon can't help himself and gives Damian a hug.

I love how Damian seems completely uninterested in this happening. His limp body language and looking away just shows how awkward a hug this is.

Damian being Damian however, he just can't accept Jon's explanation of being stuck in time with Jor-El in space. Despite Jon saying it, Damian wonders if this is all some Leviathan trick.

Jon finally has enough and yells it at Damian!

This panel also made me laugh out loud. It shows how these two are a sort of odd couple of friends who occasionally get on each others' nerves. Brilliant.

With the re-introductions out of the way, Jon and Damian go out on patrol. During the adventures, Jon tells everything that happened to him in space, including being stuck on the volcano planet, surviving that torture, and ultimately escaping.

I love these rapid fire glimpses at their escapades. This one struck me. Rescuing cats from a house fire! Classic!

And then we see them foil The Riddler, Kite Man, Catman, and others.

During the fun, Jon talks about how he has been recruited by the Legion.

Damian says he would jump at the chance to head to the future and join the team.

I don't know if that necessarily is how I think Damian would respond. But it is intriguing.

When it's all said and done, I liked how Damian finally gives Jon some respect. Remember, in Super Sons, Damian teased Jon for being naive and a hayseed. Here he says that Jon should be proud of escaping all the space drama ... and all on his own.

I loved this 2 panel exchange. It shows how these two have grown together.

And then Damian invites himself onto the Legion. He wants to take advantage of knowing this older Jon any way he can.

And then we see Damian reciprocate the Jon hug.

Absolutely this was my favorite moment, seeing some peek into how Jon has influenced Damian. And I love how surprised Jon looks. Incredible.

But the time has come for Jon to decide. He heads to the Fortress.

I like how Superman is jealous of the choices Jon has in front of him. And Jon teases him (and perhaps meta-textually the comic world) by saying Superman can go evil whenever he wants.

One more time Clark says how proud he is of Jon for surviving the ordeal. Amazing.

I will miss these moments too. I love Super-dad.

But Saturn Girl arrives and Jon decides he is moving on.

He heads into the future, leaving Superman alone in the Fortress.

God, what a bittersweet page. That middle panel of Superman standing alone, long shadows conveying some sadness, is just perfect.

I loved this issue. As a fan of Super Sons, as a fan of Clark/Jon, as a fan of the Legion, this hit the mark. And the art is perfect for the content.

Overall grade: A


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