Friday 28 February 2020


First of all let me reassure you that the lass in the photo has a full complement of lower appendages and is only sitting with her legs tucked up under her (or to the side), she isn't disabled.  Now that I've assuaged your concern, take a look at my dog ZARA, caught on camera using her x-ray vision to see what colour of knickers the lady photographer is wearing.  I'd bet they were red - and won.  The prize was getting to wear them on my head.  (Don't panic, I have a permit for talking p*sh.)

I recall this evening as though it happened fairly recently, but it was a staggering 33 years ago.  Of course, I look exactly the same today - and if you believe that, I've got a big tower in Paris that I'll let you have dirt cheap.  (Or how about a bridge in San Francisco?)  But look at Zara - isn't she a great looking dog?  And there wasn't any-thing devilish about her, she had a very placid nature and even used to lick a neighbour's cat in friendly affection.  (Could've got into trouble there if I'd used another word - and no, I don't mean 'feline'.)


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