Thursday 26 March 2020


I'm sure we all appreciate what NHS workers (and others) are doing on our behalf during the current crisis, but having just been woken up from a much-needed sleep by people clapping out on the street (some quieter than others), I can't help but think it's a pretty empty gesture as most NHS workers won't get to hear it.  In fact, some of them who are trying to get a bit of rest after a long hard shift may find their repose as disturbed as mine was. 

Whose idea was it to suggest such an action?  And why are we like sheep and fall into step with such pointless posturing? Clapping's one thing, but when people start whooping like Americans at the Oscars, it's going a step too far.  Show your appre-ciation for the nurses, doctors, carers, etc., by doing something more useful. Boris, give them a raise or/and pay them double-time while the pandemic is ongoing, and make sure they have the essentials to do their job with minimum risk to themselves. Man in the street, drop a big tub of chocolates into their workplace when it's safe to do so, or make a donation to their Christmas party.

All the clapping in the world isn't going to help medical staff who have become infected (or even died) while aiding others.  It may make us feel pleased with our-selves ("Look how wonderful we are - we stood on our doorstep and clapped at empty air for a few minutes"), but when it comes down to it, it's like pissing into the wind.  It doesn't do anyone one real bit of good in the long run.

Sure, let's be grateful and appreciate those who are working for the public's benefit during the current crisis, but let's show our gratitude in a far more practical way. Maybe you think I'm a miserable old git, or perhaps you agree with me?  Feel free to say so either way in the comments section.   


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