Friday 6 March 2020

Review: Superman Villains

Superman Villains came out this week, the bookend to last week's Superman Heroes. The focus of this book is to see how Superman's villains are responding to the news that he and Clark Kent are the same.

And I am a bit torn about this book.

There are several stories that I actually love. There is the reintroduction of Ma and Pa Kent into the DCU (post Doomsday Clock). There is a hilarious short with Lex Luthor. There is a giant plot progression that will certainly dramatically impact the main books. And there is a redemption of super-villain, spurred along by the inspiration of Superman. All good. Brian Michael Bendis and Matt Fraction have such a handle on these characters now that it just all clicks. Add solid art, with particularly effective visuals by Cully Hamner and Michael Gaydos, and you think this would be a win all around.

But there is a downside, one that particularly stings for me. Supergirl has a story here, explaining why she is doing what she is doing in Smallville in her own book, a prologue to a story that is now 3 months in. And she is doing it because she is angry at Superman, a response to his reveal.

I want you to think that last paragraph over. Realize this, in a book called Superman Villain, a book looking specifically at his foes response to his Truth, Kara is the lead in a story. Supergirl is a Superman villain right now.

That is inherently wrong. It is simply terrible.

And yet, once again, here we are. Same as it ever was.

That is such a monumental failure for me, on all levels, that I can't help but have it muddy my feelings on the rest of the book.

It is ridiculous.

We start with the patented sepia-toned Smallville story where Superman thanks his parents for raising him the way they did. I am a sucker for Pa Kent wisdom stories. I love how thrilled Ma Kent is because raising Superman makes her look wonderful.

Frankly, it is just good to see the Kents around again.

Now I have to somehow wrap a new timeline around in my head, one were they were around for the birth of Jon, gave advice to Superman during his career, and weren't killed by Vyndktyvx in hopes of snuffing out Superman's hope.

I loved ... and I mean LOVED ... Morrison's Action Comics run from the New 52. But one thing I didn't agree with was his killing off of the Kents. So glad to see that reversed.

The most effective story is one written by Bendis with art by Michael Gaydos.

In it we see Clark and Lois setting up an interview with Ms. Leone, an apparent puff piece so Planet readers can learn about her.

They ask that Clark's salary get donated to the Metropolis Fire Fighters.

Perry White then crashes the proceedings wondering if Clark should get a raise.

I love the dialogue here as people try to unravel the mystery of Clark/Superman. Does he need to eat? I love Lois' exasperated 'you've seen him eat!'

But it turns out this meeting with Leone is something of a trap, a little bait before Lois and Clark drop the real bomb.

A while ago we saw Trish Q hug Clark for saving her in his Superman identity earlier.

In the pit, Clark apologizes for the possibility that his truth will endanger the Planet Staff or their families. Trish Q nips that in the bud.

I think this is a great moment, everyone raising their hand to say they feel safer.

I wonder if they will have the same response when Clark and Lois drop a press bomb later in this book.

We do get some quick hit shorts from Superman villains to see their response.

Here, it is fantastic to see just how enraged Lex is that he was fooled by Clark's glasses. His voice mail is filled with people laughing at him. So many people shoving it in Luthor's face. A Lex that feels ridiculed is a dangerous Lex. But I can't remember it being played for this many laughs.

And these timelines are so wonky. Is this post Apex Lex? Before? During? Is he back to being a businessman? Is he a super-villain? Both? 

We also get bullet responses from Steve Lombard, Mongul (with a nice new wrinkle on the passing on of the title Mongul) and Bizarro.

As a Leviathan guy, I liked this story involving the Toyman. Riley Rossmo's art, all weird and stylized, fits the story perfectly!

First off, I am a big fan when Superman tries to talk down his opponents, or tries to inspire them to do more.

Here, he tells Winslow (nice use of first name to humanize) that he has so much to offer.

Later when Schott sees the reveal he looks at Superman in a different light. Superman is just a normal guy trying to help people. Superman was really just talking to Schott as a friend.

That leads to Toyman turning himself into the police to do his time.

And in a great turn, he gets recruited by Kingsley Jacobs to join Checkmate and fight Leviathan.

In a nice closure, Schott thanks Superman.

Any times we see one of the Supers inspire, I am happy.

Then the odious Supergirl story.

I don't blame writer Jody Houser for this story as she was handed this plotline.

But Supergirl is enraged that Clark revealed his secret.

And she twists that into some convoluted reason to show Superman that living as a human weakens him. So off she goes to attack Smallville. (Of course, in her own book she says she is doing this Smallville plot to 'save' people.)

So we get a 'Supergirl as a Superman villain' story.

When will DC learn?

This doesn't work.

At least there is a palate cleanser.

Earlier we saw how Perry felt hoodwinked by Leone. He was so thrilled she was paying people, even giving Perry a raise, that he feels guilty. But he knows, as Clark and Lois know, that they can't bury the story that Leone owns the Planet and runs the Invisible Mafia. Even if it brings down the paper and hurts the staff, they have to go ahead with the story.

And they do. Lois publishes her story. Perry writes and editorial. And it hits all media.

This can't end well for the Planet.

But more importantly, I wonder how the staff will feel about Clark now. They might hug him and love him being Superman. But costing them their jobs? That's different. I wonder if the sentiment will change dramatically.

And can I say that Gaydos' art, a sort of 'painter over photos' look, is just compelling. It fits this 'real life' story perfectly.

Okay, if I expunge the bitter taste of villainous Supergirl from my mouth, I would give this a different grade. But that Supergirl story, not even the actual story but the ill-conceived concept of Supergirl as a Superman villain' has to be figured in.

Overall grade: C+ (probably an A if the Supergirl story didn't exist)


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