Thursday 16 April 2020

Bendis Tweets About Supergirl

The recent past has not been good for Supergirl.

She was sent into space to investigate Rogol Zaar. She became an axe wielding, rage fueled brawler. Thank goodness Krypto was there. This isn't Supergirl.

She returned home and reclaimed her role as the beloved hero of National City for one issue.

Then she was infected by the Batman Who Laughs and became this mockery of the character, a  Heavy Metal, clawed demon interested in infecting the world in order to save them. This isn't Supergirl either.

No surprise. Supergirl's title was canceled.

Once that announcement came out, along with the issue solicit which described Supergirl as being on the run from the American military, I began to wonder. What will become of Supergirl?

Will she be turned into a villain, embittered by her fugitive status?
Will she simply disappear from the DCU, ostensibly 'in hiding'?
Will her fans not see her?
Will her fans have to wait for some sort of reboot? Or wait some months for the property to be deemed safe again to start up?

I really started to worry that I might not see my favorite character for some time, in a sort of comic limbo because her character was dragged through the mud, becoming unrecognizable, and ultimately creatively toxic.

I posed the question on Twitter'

And Brian Michael Bendis answered!

It seems Kara fans won't have to wait too long.

Supergirl is 'front and center' in upcoming issues of Action Comics!
And she'll be in some DEO flashbacks in Superman!

I have been impressed with how Bendis has written Supergirl. So I have some faith that these will be good stories for Supergirl. Maybe redemption is around the corner.

At the very least, Supergirl won't be stuck in limbo. She'll be present.

Thankful fan here.


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