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Images copyright MARVEL COMICS |
I thought I'd try something new for a change, fellow Crivs. (Well, new for me anyway.) Most of the time, the images you see on this blog are culled from my own personal collection. Occasionally, I'll use a temporary, borrowed image until such time as I acquire the comic for myself, and then the visual 'stand-in' gets replaced with a scan of my own copy. For this post though, all the images are borrowed at random from the Internet, after I typed in '1970s Marvel comics' into the Google search box.
Also, sometimes I tell you something about the comics themselves, with a little bit of personal reminiscing thrown in for good measure. Now, truth be told, I have a few of the comics shown in this post, but for the purpose of this experiment, I'm going to pretend that I don't. You see, I've noticed that on some other blogs, the site owners don't own the comics they post, nor do they seem to know anything about the contents, yet they seem to have a hardcore following of commenters who lap it all up, and leave comment after comment.
So that seems to be the way to go - give the readers the chance to show everyone what they know about comics that the host is ignorant of and the comments will just pile up, and all the hard work is done by the commenters, not the host. It's a win-win situation for the site owners, because not only do they not have to spend a bean buying any comics to feature on their blogs, but their lack of knowledge of any of the titles reels the suckers readers in.
Wanna give it a try? Then let's go. Regarding the above cover, obviously the comic is about a nurse who works at night. That's all you need to know and, indeed, all that I can tell you. What's up next?
Spot the boobies of the babe on the above cover defy gravity as CAPTAIN MARVEL (I think he's the guy on the left in the red long-johns) battles The CONTROLLER. Don't ask me who or what he controls though, as I just don't have a Scooby. (I don't even know why it's called a Scooby.)
Here's another guy in red long-johns, seemingly getting kicked out of the church disco by some dude called COPPERHEAD. Why a bouncer needs a costume is beyond me (unless it was a fancy-dress disco), so don't ask me for any details - I don't have any. (Perhaps the guy in the red suit was caught smoking in the toilets.)
Here's CAPTAIN AMERICA & The FALCON showing what a couple of wimps they are, running away from a street gang who are tripping over their own feet. They sure don't make heroes like they used to, but don't ask me what happens inside the mag as I don't have a clue.
Is that another guy in a red suit I see before me? Where do they all come from? Ol' Red could be a midget for all I know, as I'm unsure whether BLACK GOLIATH is at normal height or giant-size. Perhaps I should be bothered by my lack of knowledge on the very subject I blog about, but hey - what do I care?! You rubes can fill in the details for yourself.
What?! I don't believe it! Yet another guy in red - pyjamas this time - with a swollen leg that's reminiscent of POPEYE. Going from the cover-copy, he's having an argument with his dad, so he was probably sent to bed early for not doing his homework or eating his greens. (I don't know to be honest, so please don't embarrass me by asking.)
Well, thank goodness for that - only half a red suit this time. The story seems to be about a guy who's going to earn himself a restraining order for stalking the stars. No names are mentioned, but as this was the '70s, it was probably stars like BRUCE FORSYTH, NORMAN WISDOM, JOAN COLLINS, VIOLET CARSON and the like. Or could it have been American stars perhaps? Don't ask me, 'cos I just don't know. (Hey, at least I'm consistent.)
Ah, a guy in a green suit - that makes a nice change. However, I don't have a Scooby about what goes on inside, so you'll have to track down a copy if you want to know that - assuming that you don't already have one. You probably do, though, as you readers seem to know far more than me about what transpires within the pages of these crazy comics.
Anyway, until next time, may your amulet never tickle. (I don't actually know what that means, but it sounds a bit rude. Titter!)
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