Saturday 1 August 2020


Not long ago, I read some idiot say something like "No one who has a heart or conscience likes the Tories."  What a cretin.  Only fools judge people solely by their political beliefs or how they vote (or by what newspaper they read).  I'm sure there are many NHS workers, charity volunteers, and kind and caring folk who vote Conservative, and there'll be many privileged, well-to-do people - even millionaires - who vote Labour.  (Tony Blair, anyone?)  To state that only non-Tories can be kind, caring, decent people is one of the stupidest things I've ever read or heard anyone say.  And I have no political allegiance - I think they're all as useless as each other on a party level; when it comes to the voters though, there's the same mix, good and bad, in one party as in others.

There are some people who complain that the government has made a mess of dealing with the pandemic, and that their response has been chaotic.  Even if that's true, I doubt that any other political party would have dealt with it any better, and anybody who doesn't see that obviously can't see past their own political bias.  All political parties are ruled by people who don't have a clue about much of anything, and in the case of Covid-19, nobody really knew the best way to handle the situation.  They were thrown a curve-ball.  The government's response was made up on the hoof, and it's a pretty safe bet that, whatever party was in power, there would likely have been little or no difference in the way it was dealt with.  Might even have been worse.

Let's just hope we all get through it, okay?  And it would be good if we could do it without using the situation to make biased political points just because we want to bash those we traditionally disagree with over the head.  (I say 'we', but I'm not included, being non-partisan.)  That would be the caring, decent, considerate thing to do.  It's a shame there seems to be a lack of those qualities around these days.

Agree, disagree, don't know what to think?  That's what the comments section is there for.  (Seems readers have forgotten it exists theses days.)


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