Sunday 2 August 2020



Yesterday, August 1st, was a Saturday.  33 years ago, August 1st was also a Saturday, and that was the day I moved back to the house I'd previously lived in just over 4 years before for 11 years.  That means I've now lived here three times longer the second time than I did the first, but, curiously, it doesn't feel like that.  I wonder if anyone else has lived somewhere, moved away, then moved back again, and if so, what it feels like to them.  Does their time away seem like a dream that never really happened, or do they just never think about it?  If such a thing has ever happened to you, feel free to share your thoughts.

21 years ago, August 2nd was a Monday, and that was when I was introduced to a young woman called... well, her name isn't important so need to identify her.  We had a brief fling, which meant more to me than to her, but I still look back on that time with a certain degree of fondness.  I doubt she'd even remember me now as she led a full life, always travelling and seeking out new places and meeting new people.  I remember her, though, and probably always will, but the longing dissipated a long time ago.  It's a safe bet that she never had any real longing for me, so there wouldn't have been anything on her part to get over.

As I sit typing this post, the realisation that so much time has gone by from each of those events is a sobering thought.  (Not that I've ever been drunk, being a lifelong teetotaller.)  How can they still seem so recent when the first is over half my life away, and the second is more than a third of it?  I've never been able to reconcile the mysteries, paradoxes, and complexities of time, and don't think I'll ever be able to. In one way, I'm glad that I have a pretty good memory when it comes to past events (though don't ask me what I did yesterday), but on the other, I sometimes wonder what it would be like to simply live for the day (or the morrow) and leave the past where it is - even forget it.

As you can tell, I'm in a reflective mood - if you feel you'd like to join in, please feel perfectly free. 


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