Tuesday, 20 October 2020


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When you get to around my age, the things in life to which you can look forward decrease with each passing year.  Sure, you can 'look forward' to increasing deafness, poor eyesight, muscular aches and pains, sagging posture, reduced mobility, mental fatigue (and, if you're really unlucky, baldness and no teeth), as well as looming death, but those are hardly prospects from which you can extract any sense of anticipatory joy.  (As for myself, I still have the looks and vitality of a teenager - in an old photo somewhere.)

So what does that leave?  The postman strolling up to your front door with a parcel or package or two, containing some of life's treasures - comicbooks!  Today's double delivery consisted of Man-Bat Vs. Batman, a Special from 1984, and one of the latest True Believers mags (The Black Widow).  Don't be fooled by the cover of the TB, as The Inhumans aren't to be found inside, 'just' two Black Widow tales from the first two issues of the original magazine.  (Readers are bound to be confused when Marvel realease an Inhumans TB featuring the same cover.)

The DC Batman mag contains the first three Man-Bat tales, which I already have in another couple of collections of Neal Adams' work, but this format is better because it's an actual comicbook and less weildy to read when resting in either of my two favourite positions - reclining on my bed with comic in hand, or perched on the porcelain with comic on my lap.  (That's another aspect of old age - more visits to the toilet - if you can make it in time.  The delights that lay ahead of you in your golden years, eh, readers?)

My original issue alongside the TB comic

Anyway, thought I'd share the covers and a page or three from these two pulsating publications, just to show you what you're missing - if you don't already have them that is.  Can't wait to see what tomorrow's delivery is going to be.


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