Saturday, 17 October 2020

Barry Pearl's Guest Post: The Brilliant Age...

As an old guy who likes old comics, I am surprised and delighted at the events of the last few years.

In the 1960s and '70s many comics were at their height.  There were wonderful creators and new characters were coming out all the time.  However, comic books were considered ephemeral, disposable items and often thrown out.

There was also what I call 'The Comic Code Hangover'.  Many parents felt that comics were a bad influence or just printed for children.  They were the Rodney Dangerfield* of publishing - they got no respect.  (*US comedian, born Jacob Rodney Cohen, also known as Jack Roy.)

But just take a look out there now at what's available - these stories have been preserved for posterity.  Marvel and DC have been republishing them in several formats. First Masterworks and Archives, then less expensive paperbacks (Epic Collections), then Omnibus editions, and now Giant Size books. 
Taschen has been printing volumes about DC and Marvel, ranging in price from $10, to $200 to $2,000!
The Folio Society has published Marvel Golden Age, Silver Age, and now Bronze Age collections for $225.
Dead Reckoning has published Mike Vassallo's Atlas At War.
These books sell, and at these prices they are selling to adults.  What I thought was once lost has been found again.  Rejoice!


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