Flaming red-haired Evelyn wants to leave her immediate family and head out west. That gal has a hankerin' (cowboy talk) to be with her aunt and uncle, who own a tourist ranch in Arizona. She takes a long train ride and when she gets to Arizona finds no one at home...no aunt, no uncle. She has nowhere to go so she climbs in through an unlocked window. She trespasses! She decides she'll just open the place up to tourists driving by, then starts doing chores and welcoming guests. She meets Yodelin' Slim, who plays a guitar and sings. Then she meets a traveling salesman who grabs her and kisses her. In those days it was called being fresh, but it’s assault.
I won’t keep you in suspense. Everything turns out all right for Evelyn...eventually. This lesson in love and what not to do when someone isn’t home is drawn by Matt Baker, and is from the St John love comic, Teen-age Romances #7 (1949).
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